trust in experience

About us

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Hi, my name is Dewald, and this is my sexy wife Sylvia. We have been together for 10 years and happily married for 7.

In short, I am 50 she is forty and we are living in beautiful Cape Town-South Africa as content creators in the travel and lifestyle industries.

Welcome to our travel and lifestyle platform You get it for two, two people, a couple etc etc. Our platform will be about the best travel destinations and experiences around the world…yup and I really mean around the world.  As a couple we are well traveled and boast a combined stamp collection of about 30 countries in our passports.

But first, Let’s go back a bit and let me tell you more about ourselves.

I met Sylvia over the phone, during a peaceful conversation that turned into an argument about our dogs. You see, Sylvia owns a Schnauzer called Bassie, and I have a Golden Retriever called Chelsea. Our dogs are everything to us, and I really mean everything.

As we both believed we own the best breed of dog we decided to set up a play date for our dogs to resolve the matter….yup, I also think that was a smooth move on my part to get this girl to agree to a “date”. Our dogs immediately liked one another, and still do, so let’s move along 3 years.

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While I was presenting an Outdoor Cooking show on a Cruise ship  I decided, at the tender age of 42 to ask this girl to marry me. Not really the “ring in glass” kind of guy, I decided to sneak the proposal into my show intro.

As you can see she had NOOOO idea what was happening, nor was she expecting anything of this nature, Sylvia normally joins me me on my show, so this was nothing weird to have cameras around while doing a TV insert. Most of you won’t understand Afrikaans our Native language but here goes.

Impressive, for sure, even had a $5 ring to seal the deal. Cheapskate you may think, hang on haters, don’t start typing yet, It will get better.

Having a ball as an engaged couple it popped up that I have just lost my right to be called a bachelor, so right there I decided to start a reality TV series called – Wedding Fever of a Bachelor. 

What was the story line? During  the series, it was my task, as the bachelor to arrange a dream wedding from start to finish, with Sylvia, only arriving on the big day without lifting a finger….no way you might say.

I still needed a real ring and what better way to start the search for the perfect stone, than to travel to Port Nolloth up the West Coast of South Africa to go and dive for the perfect diamond for my wife to be. Sorry boys, but try and beat this one.

O, did I mention I get seasick, well I do, but no turning back now, so lights, camera, action. We worked the ocean floor with a crowbar for a couple of hours and it was a ridiculous experience, and one I will treasure forever. 

How many guys can say they actually worked this hard for the perfect rock. 

I was privileged enough to be there during the cutting process as well as the designing and manufacturing of the ring, for my bride to be.

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 The big day was fantastic, really it was, we made the movie and took pictures, and more pictures and more pictures and yep more pictures. Sylvia an ex beauty queen in her younger days love photos a lot more than I do, and yup you guessed it there was even time for a trash the dress photo session two days later.

Was our honeymoon part of the TV series you may ask? Of course it was, well not all of it, so take your minds out of the gutter.

Thinking back, having the opportunity to capture our wedding and honeymoon on video, now gives us the perfect opportunity to share with you our story of our past travels and a hell of a lot of future adventures. 



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